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The theatrical phenomenon of " Pavlinka” of Kupala

Cipher (in the State list): 73АЛ000126
Date inclusion: 24.12.2019
№ Protocol Rada: Пратакол пасяджэння Беларускай рэспубліканскай навукова-метадычнай рады па пытаннях гісторыка-культурнай спадчыны ад 11.12.2019 № 04-01-02/10. Пастанова Міністэрства культуры Рэспублiкi Беларусь ад 24.12.2019 № 89
Cipher (in inventory): НКС-20200605

Identifying the elements of the ICH


The theatrical phenomenon of " Pavlinka” of Kupala

The second item name ICH (adopted in a particular community, the local version):

Corresponding to (s) Community (s), group (s) or individual (s) described:


Short description:

Identification and description


Perfoming Arts » Theatre


Language or dialect used:

Material objects that are associated with the practice of the element:

Other intangible elements associated with the practice of the element:

Transmission model element in the community:


Included in the list of UNESCO