
Region:       District:

The Mastery of Felting in Drybin District, Mahilioŭ Region

Cipher (in the State list): 53БК000064
Date inclusion: 21.09.2010
№ Protocol Rada: Пратакол пасяджэння Беларускай рэспубліканскай навукова-метадычнай рады па пытаннях гісторыка-культурнай спадчыны ад 07.10.2009 № 160. Пастанов Савета Міністраў Рэспублікі Беларусь ад 21.09.2010 № 1351
Cipher (in inventory): НКС-131101/02

Identifying the elements of the ICH


The Mastery of Felting in Drybin District, Mahilioŭ Region

The second item name ICH (adopted in a particular community, the local version):

Corresponding to (s) Community (s), group (s) or individual (s) described:


Magileu region » Dribin district » Drybin;   Magileu region » Dribin district » Pakuccie Village;   Magileu region » Dribin district » Rasna Village;   Magileu region » Dribin district » Chalipy Village;  

Short description:

In Mahilioŭ Region still exist small communities of hereditary masters of felting known as the ‘šapavals’, who make valionki (felt boots), maherkas (brimless hats), bryls (brimmed hats), etc. Drybin area is one of the centers for felting. Today, there are over a dozen of ‘šapavals’ working in Drybin area, who master the craft and pass it on to their followers. It was the mastery of felting hats that was reflected in the word ‘šapavals’ that people used to refer to those artisans (šapka is an equivalent to the word ‘hat’ and ‘valac’ means ‘to felt’) and this name has survived into modern times. In order to keep their trade secrets covert, Drybin šapavals developed a specific jargon known as the ‘katrušnicki lemiazień’. The lexis counted up to 900 words, some of them are still used in the šapavals’ communities — and covered 13 notional groups. The felt goods made by Drybin šapavals were appreciated for their durability and nice looks. Those were headwear for men, such as maherka hats, which looked like kalpaks or had a conoid shape, bryls, and also footwear, such as warm skillfully made valionki. Nowadays, the craft of felting in Drybin area is on the rise. The šapavals continue making valionki and beautiful articles of clothing, which never fail to impress, and keep sharing their mastery with younger generations

Identification and description


Traditional Craftsmanship » Felting


There are a few theories explaining the origins of the felting tradition in Drybin Area. Ethnographer Je. Ramanaŭ notes in his records that the craft dates back to the early 18th century. According to another theory, the present Town of Drybin is located at the place of a former folwark, a serfdom-based farm, and Old Drybin Village. To accelerate the population growth and to turn the localities into a town, the owner of the folwark started inviting people to settle down on unoccupied allotments of land. Some of those who moved to Drybin came from areas with developed felting craft. Not only did they continue their occupation, but also started hiring locals for assistance. There is also a suggestion that the owner of the estate Anton Ciechanaviecki sent a few of his young serfs to Nižni Noŭharad Province to learn the craft of felting. Having learned the skills, the peasants returned to their home villages

Language or dialect used:

Material objects that are associated with the practice of the element:

Other intangible elements associated with the practice of the element:

Transmission model element in the community:


Included in the list of UNESCO








Што чытаць пра шапавальства.pdf

Што чытаць пра шапавальства.pdf






