
Region:       District:

The Singing Tradition of Performing Baptismal and Wedding Songs in Paršyna Village, Horki District, Mahilioŭ Region

Cipher (in the State list): 53АК000072
Date inclusion: 16.03.2012
№ Protocol Rada: Пратакол пасяджэння Беларускай рэспубліканскай навукова-метадычнай рады па пытаннях гісторыка-культурнай спадчыны ад 26.11.2011 № 186. Пастанова Савета Мiнiстраў Рэспублiкi Беларусь ад 16.03.2012 № 236
Cipher (in inventory): НКС-130305/01

Identifying the elements of the ICH


The Singing Tradition of Performing Baptismal and Wedding Songs in Paršyna Village, Horki District, Mahilioŭ Region

The second item name ICH (adopted in a particular community, the local version):

Corresponding to (s) Community (s), group (s) or individual (s) described:

Female residents of Paršyna Village, Horki District, Mahilioŭ Region


Magileu region » Gorki district » Parshina;  

Short description:

The singing tradition of performing baptismal and wedding song ceremonies is a centuries old practice of performing songs in the village of Paršyna. The songs go beyond the "sounding” practiced in the region and are characteristic of Padniaproǔje, the ethnographic region in the north-eastern of Belarus along the Dniepr river and the area along the border with Russia. Their manner of performing is vibrant and original, with elements of archaic sounding, which has been preserved due to the exceptional personal qualities of the singers, residents of Paršyna village, who inherited these stylistic features of the tunes, the polyphony and the distinctive dialect from their grandmothers and mothers. The carriers of this musical heritage are participants of the Paršynskija Zory folk group. They pass on their wealth of experience to younger generations of local performers: to Susiedki, a female folk song ensemble and to Zorački, a children's folklore group, as well as to Tajamnica, a folk group, which deals with the revival of folk heritage of Horki District

Identification and description


Perfoming Arts » Songs


The tradition of singing baptismal and wedding ceremonial songs dates back to more than two centuries. They were performed by the mothers and grandmothers of today’s carriers of the element. Today the songs carefully preserved by the carriers are performed at baptizing and wedding events. Besides, the women remember and sing not only the songs dedicated to these two types of important events in human life. One can hear them perform spring, harvesting, Christmas, lyrical and other traditional songs. Inherited from their mothers and grandmothers, these songs are performed for almost any occasion: when the women go for rehearsals, at home while doing household chores, when people get together near someone’s house in the evening, at numerous concerts and public events. For nearly 30 years, the songs performed by the tradition carriers, have been adopted by local singers: by Susiedki, a female folk song ensemble, and by Zorački, a children's folklore group, as well as byTajamnica, a folk group, which deals with the revival of folk heritage of Horki District

Language or dialect used:

Local dialect

Material objects that are associated with the practice of the element:

The female singers wear traditional costumes

Other intangible elements associated with the practice of the element:

Transmission model element in the community:

Due to the effort of the carriers of the traditional songs, participants of the Paršynskija Zory folk group, it was possible to revive and safeguard a number of authentic songs, local dances, traditional holidays and rituals, which had been on the verge of extinction. They have preserved the song repertoire and are passing it on to future generations in its original sound, preserving and using the remarkable local dialect. The popularization of the national folk art by the carriers of this song tradition has been greatly appreciated by the local community and younger generations throughout many years. At present, a succession mechanism of the song tradition has been established. The creativity and frequent participation in concerts of the folk group participants is an example to follow. The carriers of the song tradition readily convey their mastery of traditional songs to young talents, such as Susiedki, a female folk song ensemble (aged 17 to 40) and to Zorački, a children's folklore group (aged 8 to 16). The carriers’ ensemble together with the other folk groups have repeatedly taken part in numerous concerts, festivals and competitions. In 2008, as part of the Mahilioŭ Region delegation, they represented Horki District on the stage of the Palace of the Republic. The performance of the women, carriers of the song tradition, has always been an encounter with something unique, a reminder of the enchanting, complicated and unique culture of our ancestors. Safeguarding the original performance style, the life-giving ritual and non-ritual songs for years to come will be an endless source of beauty and purity for educating future generations


Included in the list of UNESCO


Вясельныя песні_тэксты_ноты.pdf

Вясельныя песні_тэксты_ноты.pdf

Хрэсьбінныя песні_ноты тэксты.pdf

Хрэсьбінныя песні_ноты тэксты.pdf





01 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

01 Дорожка 1-converted.mp3

02 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

02 Дорожка 2-converted.mp3

03 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле) :

03 Дорожка 3-converted.mp3

04 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

04 Дорожка 4-converted.mp3

05 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

05 Дорожка 5-converted.mp3

06 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

06 Дорожка 6-converted.mp3

07 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

07 Дорожка 7-converted.mp3

08 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

08 Дорожка 8-converted.mp3

09 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

09 Дорожка 9-converted.mp3

001 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):


10 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

10 Дорожка 10-converted.mp3

010 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):


11 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

11 Дорожка 11-converted.mp3

011 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):


12 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

12 Дорожка 12-converted.mp3

012 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):


13 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

13 Дорожка 13-converted.mp3

013 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):


14 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

14 Дорожка 14-converted.mp3

014 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):


15 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

15 Дорожка 15-converted.mp3

16 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

16 Дорожка 16-converted.mp3

17 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

17 Дорожка 17-converted.mp3

18 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

18 Дорожка 18-converted.mp3

19 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

19 Дорожка 19-converted.mp3

002 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):


20 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

20 Дорожка 20-converted.mp3

21 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

21 Дорожка 21-converted.mp3

22 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

22 Дорожка 22-converted.mp3

23 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

23 Дорожка 23-converted.mp3

24 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

24 Дорожка 24-converted.mp3

25 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

25 Дорожка 25-converted.mp3

26 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

26 Дорожка 26-converted.mp3

27 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

27 Дорожка 27-converted.mp3

28 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

28 Дорожка 28-converted.mp3

29 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

29 Дорожка 29-converted.mp3

003 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):


30 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

30 Дорожка 30-converted.mp3

31 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

31 Дорожка 31-converted.mp3

32 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

32 Дорожка 32-converted.mp3

33 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

33 Дорожка 33-converted.mp3

34 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

34 Дорожка 34-converted.mp3

35 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

35 Дорожка 35-converted.mp3

36 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

36 Дорожка 36-converted.mp3

37 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

37 Дорожка 37-converted.mp3

38 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

38 Дорожка 38-converted.mp3

39 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

39 Дорожка 39-converted.mp3

004 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):


40 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

40 Дорожка 40-converted.mp3

41 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

41 Дорожка 41-converted.mp3

42 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

42 Дорожка 42-converted.mp3

43 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

43 Дорожка 43-converted.mp3

44 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

44 Дорожка 44-converted.mp3

45 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

45 Дорожка 45-converted.mp3

46 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

46 Дорожка 46-converted.mp3

47 Паршино(хрэсьбины-вяселле):

47 Дорожка 47-converted.mp3

005 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):


006 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):


007 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):


008 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):


009 д.Паршино ф.онсамбль (сборка):
